About us
Rose Hip Hill
Rose Hip Hill Farm is home for our family, but also for those who spend a few days with us.
When there is too much smoke and noise in the city, people don't just long for the countryside, but for a place where the neighboring houses are at a respectable distance, pedestrians don't stare into your windows, and cars don't kick up dust on your house's walls. You can let your children play on their own playground, which is nature itself. Such a place is rare these days. Not long ago, even travelers avoided this area because the potholed, impassable road kept the place from becoming overcrowded. But sometimes we still cut through on the winding, run-down road just to admire the scenery, to look down far into the valley. And when our children's eyes began to open to the beauty, they involuntarily exclaimed, "Let's move here!"
Well, we moved here… of course not with this childlike simplicity. We had to eradicate heavy shrubbery, cut pathways, plant trees and flowers, putting in much effort and seeing many losses. But the star-spangled sky, the fog, the clouds, the wind, the storm, the blooming cherry trees, the babbling brook, the fresh goat milk, the fruits hanging at arm’s length, and the autumn, the beautiful autumn, the glittering snow, the hoarfrost in the forest, the deer rambling on the opposite hill, and the
our children happiness proves that we are in the right place.
Când ne-am mutat de la oraș la țară, toți cunoscuții noștri ne-au vizitat din curiozitate, iar din moment ce ne-am mutat destul de departe, mai mulți dintre ei au vrut să petreacă noaptea la noi. Cât timp copiii erau mici, au renunțat cu bunăvoință la camerele lor, iar unii musafiri au dormit afară, în corturi.De aici a venit ideea de a mobila două camere de oaspeți în anexă. Ele sunt mici dar confortabile și călduroase. Natura, oricum, te îmbie să stai cât mai mult afară, primăvara la flori, vara la fructe, toamna la culori, iarna la zăpadă.

La ferma noastră de trei hectare, gardul le oferă părinților un sentiment de siguranță, dar copiii în același timp simt un sentiment de libertate fără limite.
Acesta este motivul pentru care Rose Hip Hill Farm este și o destinație minunată pentru excursii cu grupuri mai mari de copii.
Copiii vor fi încântați să exploreze terenul de joacă din pădure, să alunece neobosiți pe tiroliană pentru a suta oară, să se cufunde în a mângâia și hrăni animalele și chiar să încerce să mulgă caprele. Între timp, părinții se pot bucura de aerul curat și de relaxare fără griji.
O petrecere aniversară mai specială, o petrecere cu pizza la cuptor, cinema în aer liber, pot fi organizate la cerere la Rose Hip Hill Farm.

A great place to relax peacefully and have a blessed time with loved ones.

Farm and accommodation
In the two guest rooms on the farm we welcome those interested in country life, the tranquility of nature, healthy food, children's playground.

The right place for adult camps, family gatherings, and special events.

Picknick at the Farm
In fruit ripening season, we organize pick-your-own fruit and lavender, but in every season it is possible to organize a farm visit for groups of children and adults.
Just a short diversion from the main road, but still far enough so you will not see or hear what is going on in the world at large. The Guesthouse is hosted by a new construction, a green house on a green hillside, blending in with nature, still designed and furnished to be most comfortable. Not too large and not too small to spend, together with your closest, dearest relatives or friends, a pleasant weekend or celebrate an important event. In the winter, by the fire-place, in the summer, on the sunlit terrace, you can spend quiet, intimate, peaceful, undisturbed moments. If the wind is raging outside, you can snuggle down in the sauna, if it’s the heat of the city that chased you here, you can dangle your feet in the cool spring water. The forest and the creek invite you for a nice walk, but if the lavender scent dazes you, just rest, since work and constant bustle and rushing around you can find anywhere. Calm and peace, blessings and goodwill like here, in very few places you will find.

We make the tastiest jams, syrups, and juices from ripe, organically produced fruit in a variety of combinations. We turn goat's milk into matured cheese. We process lavender for oil, but we also use it to season and sweeten both cakes and roasts. For every problem and mood, you'll find aromatic herbs with us.